So now I'm being called fake and scared for telling the truth? You are all too busy living in the moment and riled up. All of this is not necessary. Blacks have been living good for quite sometime. We are getting job promotions, respect, more star movie roles, we are taking over all sports and NBA players are getting insane money.
How does a few coward losers that decided to shoot cops from behind when not looking make any of this ok? This was a cowardly act. At least be a man about it and shoot up a police station instead of cowardly shooting from rooftops. This despicable act has put us back as a whole a few steps back. Yes, there are white cops that have cowardly shot innocent blacks, but they are being prosecuted and justice will be served in a courtroom when they end up go to prison.
We must all learn to at least TRY to live together. This earth is too small to always be at each others throats. Acts like this do nothing but cause racial tension and more bloodshed.