man wtf happened to bakari sellers? i've never seen a brother so quickly transform himself into a c00n sellout. calling this a hate crime on cnn.
Man the picture with him wearing a dashiki with the pro black fist up.... Its hard for me to even hate dude. You can tell he was woke. Dudes kind of a hero martyr. Im trying to be hate dude but i cant
Dont act like a female brehI hope your on drugs .....
Vets in general need help after, look at tim mcveigh and shyt since its dallas Lee Harvey Oswald was a trained marksman in the marines. People arent all the same and might need help afterwards.I said this year's ago when Chris Dorner did his thing. Only a matter of time before black military vets put their training to use in the US.
Has that ever happened before.
This dude really wants that DNC nod huh
They keep showing these videos of cops ducking behind cars and shyt. I can't lie, I smiled a little seeing those cops experience the fear they inflict on people.