Except the deceased young man was going to college, the other was busy killing.
Thats not systematic racism, thats upbringing and culture.
The system is busy daily increasing the odds that these encounters are likely and more frequent. Yes personal agency is important but the factors surrounding black life in America are arranged to create monsters. If you disagree, that’s your right. Respecto
No sir, the system isn't doing anything considering these dudes aren't even trying to pass highschool. They don't want to work, they don't want to go to college, they don't want go to trade school, they don't want to join the military.
These hood dudes aren't even trying. That right there tells you it's culture and not systematic.
So for the most part you just believe, most of “these” type of black people are predisposed to being degenerates huh? It’s too unimaginable for you to believe that just maybe people who have a vested interest in power and the forecast of wealth and it’s distribution in America and even the Globe actual plan and arrange the most favorable outcomes for their profits to increase and to continue the dummying down of society (not just blacks although mainly but all people) isn’t happening.
Yes personal agency is important. However it doesn’t work if the individual had little to know substance impressed upon them as a child. That is what we see happening in many of our communities. A “culture” filled with non-constructive idols.
Check out Neely Fuller Jr who has some good insight on the “system”. I don’t agree with everything he says but the foundation is solid. Our people lack solid foundations. Our ideals are glass-houses and you simply can’t build up from that. But respect to your opinion.