I'm not ready to throw in the towel.
Here are the adjustments I make if I'm the coach of the Lakers:
Starting lineup looks like this: Bryant/LeBron/Walker/Reaves/Schroder
Second unit: Jones/Bryant/Brown/Westbrook/Nunn

You're probably going to have to have Bron play extended periods of time at the 5, which is less than ideal, but the Lakers have almost NO depth at frontcourt. I'd take a look at signing Demarcus Cousins, simply to have another big body out there.
Get out in transition, because half court sets are going to look UUUUUUUUUGLY without AD. To be fair, they've been kinda ugly with him, but sheesh.
Run a 1-3-1 zone. A 1-3-1 zone prevents teams from finding open passes for 3 point shooting, which is our largest weakness defensively. NBA almost never runs a 1-3-1 zone, though, even though this league is straight up a 3 point jacking league now. This zone shakes up the offense, preventing them from being able to swing the ball around, hunting for open 3 point shots.
A 1-3-1 zone forces mistakes, which leads to steals, which leads to the transition game. Beverley would be an exceptional Chaser in a 1-3-1. Westbrook, LeBron, and Lonnie Walker are your main attackers in transition, and each one of them thrives in the open court. Reaves is also decent in transition.
An overall reduction in Beverley's minutes. I'd use him in very specific situations, like when a guard is killing us and no other guard can stick with him. Leave Beverly on him to soak up fouls and rough the other guard up. I'd have Bev guard him all 94, like this is college.
Pick and roll on every single play in the halfcourt. EVERY. SINGLE. PLAY.
NONE of that Bron holding the ball until the shot clock runs out shyt, period. Someone come screen for the ball handler, roll to the wing or the basket. Pure and simple basketball that has been effective for decades.
- In addition to picks for the ball handler,
I'd run a simple motion offense, where screens are being set on the weak side getting the SF or SG an open shot or the other big an easier look in the paint or mid-range.
Motion offense is something I personally excelled at in college and high school, so I know it well. The problem with the Laker's halfcourt offense is that everyone stands around. Motion offense keeps the defense moving, which tires them out and breaks down the interior more often than not. A motion offense is ideal here because it will get a TON of easy cutting baskets for players that are not as good as AD in the paint, and takes advantage of LeBron's and Westbrook's passing game. Reaves is also an excellent passer
These changes could potentially have the Lakers tread water until they get Juan, Gabriel and AD back.