Convince me I'm wrong. Humans don't need fruits and veggies.

Ghost Utmost

The Soul of the Internet
May 2, 2012
the Aether
The Human body developed in very specific conditions over literally millions of years.

Once people spread across the planet into all the different environments, they developed different ways to use what they found, but that doesn't change the design of the body system.

People ate meant. Maybe a couple days a week. And they ate whatever plants they could find. There was no farming. So fruit and nuts and stuff like that was very convenient.

I'd say non processed fruits and veggies and nuts with a moderate amount of meat is the answer. Cause that's what we were designed for/by


Jan 1, 2018
So how should we be looking at it? I'm genuinely curious

There isn't a one size fits all approach. Its far more nuanced than that due to your own genetic inheritance and various other factors. I wrote an article about it recently:

"In the case of the Indian subcontinent this level of folk wisdom is firmly ingrained upon the consciousness of those born and raised in the environment as families will cook one main dish that is then served with differing accompaniments depending upon the temperament of the one consuming therefore the timid student in need of more intellectual prowess and confidence will have the heat turned up a notch with sugared almonds whereas her angrier older sibling would find more cooling treats like yoghurt and cucumbers as a side dish.

The Chinese follow similar principles that Greeks also believed that certain foods are cures whilst others are poisons as it all depends on the person."

"Take a glance at the food pyramid and you’ll see its based on whats good for Big Business and not your health because in that sense its actually quite detrimental. Proof of this? Look at all of those waddling around, short of breath as they struggle to squeeze into what would be a Nineteen Eighties XXXL but is now vanity badged as a medium.

Not for nothing have the sizes of vehicles ballooned in between now and then along with furniture as well in order to hide the truth of this from those not looking. Just check some old footage and it becomes quite obvious or obtain something vintage and feel the difference."

It really is quite a huge topic as the above two are only really laying the groundwork for another piece about how nutrient stripped and energetically dead modern foods are as well as the psychosocial nature of additives as they truly are using junk food as pacifying medicine and most people don't comprehend as they are totally out of touch with their inner realms. As intended.

The ancient cultures of the Vedic, Chinese and Greek all seemed to have this knowledge present and correct as they saw the links between food and mood as well as so much more and moved accordingly whereas the West was made to forget and now marches to the drum of corporate interests that are intent on keeping their citizens flabby and sick as its good for business, lowers resistance and fosters dependence.

All health starts in the gut as its called the second brain for a reason plus its packed with glial cells of which they profess to know nothing and no one is studying because if they do it will shed a light on whats truly happening and why none of this "accepted wisdom" is actually in your best interests.
Oct 22, 2017


Mar 19, 2015
There isn't a one size fits all approach. Its far more nuanced than that due to your own genetic inheritance and various other factors. I wrote an article about it recently:

"In the case of the Indian subcontinent this level of folk wisdom is firmly ingrained upon the consciousness of those born and raised in the environment as families will cook one main dish that is then served with differing accompaniments depending upon the temperament of the one consuming therefore the timid student in need of more intellectual prowess and confidence will have the heat turned up a notch with sugared almonds whereas her angrier older sibling would find more cooling treats like yoghurt and cucumbers as a side dish.

The Chinese follow similar principles that Greeks also believed that certain foods are cures whilst others are poisons as it all depends on the person."

"Take a glance at the food pyramid and you’ll see its based on whats good for Big Business and not your health because in that sense its actually quite detrimental. Proof of this? Look at all of those waddling around, short of breath as they struggle to squeeze into what would be a Nineteen Eighties XXXL but is now vanity badged as a medium.

Not for nothing have the sizes of vehicles ballooned in between now and then along with furniture as well in order to hide the truth of this from those not looking. Just check some old footage and it becomes quite obvious or obtain something vintage and feel the difference."

It really is quite a huge topic as the above two are only really laying the groundwork for another piece about how nutrient stripped and energetically dead modern foods are as well as the psychosocial nature of additives as they truly are using junk food as pacifying medicine and most people don't comprehend as they are totally out of touch with their inner realms. As intended.

The ancient cultures of the Vedic, Chinese and Greek all seemed to have this knowledge present and correct as they saw the links between food and mood as well as so much more and moved accordingly whereas the West was made to forget and now marches to the drum of corporate interests that are intent on keeping their citizens flabby and sick as its good for business, lowers resistance and fosters dependence.

All health starts in the gut as its called the second brain for a reason plus its packed with glial cells of which they profess to know nothing and no one is studying because if they do it will shed a light on whats truly happening and why none of this "accepted wisdom" is actually in your best interests.

I'll look into what you are saying. Im currently looking at this video cause this thread reminded me of it

I am getting the sense not all calories are equal and simply concentrating on them brings only the value of loss of weight or gain. But sometimes something can bring you so much benefit as a supercharged food that it's a better investment to put that in your body and kinda only worry about what the things you put in you do for you. You may lose weight and still won't be any healthier.


Jan 1, 2018
I am getting the sense not all calories are equal and simply concentrating on them brings only the value of loss of weight or gain. But sometimes something can bring you so much benefit as a supercharged food that it's a better investment to put that in your body and kinda only worry about what the things you put in you do for you. You may lose weight and still won't be any healthier.

You need to find what works for you. It really is a huge topic which is far more subtle and complex than the crap thats trumpeted from the hills as healthy living because it isn't. A while ago everyone was raving about the Mediterranean Livit and how its the best for longevity, health etc.. and people lapped it up but didn't pay attention to what they didn't say and was actually generating the results.

All of the people studied actually spent huge amounts of time calorie restricted as they were are all religious and this is spiritual fasting. Not only that but because the regions were all pastoral everything was organic and locally sourced plus (most important) there were huge social connections and community which all added together to create the longevity they were seeing. They also walked everywhere and spent a lot of time in the natural environment.

The official tales mentioned none of this and people thought that eating fish and drinking olive oil is enough to get the results as they sit in Delaware working a 9-6 then coming home to an apartment and the internet. All of the food fad scams are like this including the Okinawa study and various others as they edit and twist the truth to trap those seeking ways to better themselves whilst the rest drinking a tall glass of M&Ms in front of their TV as they inhale Doritos by the trough couldn't care less.

Its very, very crooked but it keeps people satiated and sick which is just how they want the populace. The amount you have to unlearn then relearn is immense like how everyone thinks fat makes you fat when it doesn't or how sugar and diabetes isn't the obvious link most click as well as so much more but the most important is the knowledge of Self when you're connected within and know what works and doesn't so you eat on intuition.

And thats before we get into the crap thats in the water system that is designed to accumulate toxins and poisons inside your soft tissues in microdoses that stack up to create ills over a lifetime as well as impair function.

MJ Truth

Feb 1, 2015
Pretty much all of everything most people know about food is wrong.

Just look at all of the folk waddling along as well as those who are in shape are in a total mess inside when it comes to their hormone levels, endocrine function and various other biomarkers that no one pays attention to and even if they do test won't show the true pic as the levels are so skewed unless you know what you're interpreting.

Forget eating, 90% of people aren't even breathing correctly and thats even more fundamental. Says everything really.
Since the inception of processed foods, the mouths of humans aren’t even the same as they were even a couple hundred years ago. Most of us CAN’T breathe the correct way anymore, as in it’s literally impossible.