I'm not even acting like it's some horrible shytEven with you denouncing the fukkery you still kind of did the same thing lol
Why is likely he had to do something to get where he at?
We literally can see how he got where he at
He sold alot of records
Influenced the culture in many forms
Invested in great businesses
Stayed out of trouble post 1999
Imo he is the first rapper that took being the number 1 guy serious.
No one say he stole from them
No one said he owed the money
Maybe he cut someone out, fired people to cut costs, screwed over low level workers etc. Sucks but happens all of the time. That's the system being the system, fiduciary responsibilities and all that...Not every artist at the Roc felt the love from him, same with his stint at Def Jam...
I think you still see my point though - that stuff is largely irrelevant to this conversation