Conservatives are against everything that makes money then wonder why they’re broke


Non-FBA. AdosK
May 5, 2012
The suburbs
It dawned on me last night reading comments on a DFW based IG page. There was a post about lobbying for the legalization of casinos in the state of Texas.

In my mind cool, that’s excess money and job opportunities.

Then i read the comments and see stuff like “we don’t want that” or “don’t California my Texas “ blah blah.

These are the same ppl that claim they can’t afford to buy a house in Texas because of Californians or blaming them for their financial misfortune.

It’s bs.

These mfcas are broke because they think and behave like broke ppl.

Legalized gambling:

Hustlers - “that’s going to bring a whole new economy to the state I can’t wait”

Broke right wingers- “we don’t want it. Lower the price of eggs and fix the roads “

Legalize marijuana:

Hustlers- “It makes sense, it’s long overdue and it will bring in excess revenue for the state. I wonder how i can get in on this if it passes “

Broke right wingers - “keep that in California ! Weed increases crime !”

*Bullet train proposal connecting DFW to Houston in a less than 90 minute ride, inherently connecting two metropolitan juggernauts*:

Hustlers -“this is going to be great. Imagine being able to live in Dallas but work in Houston and vice versa! Imagine how much the economies of the two metros will grow if this passes”

Broke right wingers - “Nope! We’re not destroying run down shacks, barns and commended shanty towns to make room for your train! Trump 2024!”

Listen I’m not here to say which side is right or wrong. What I am saying however, is there’s a clear correlation between people on the right who complain how broke they are, complaining that Californians and other outta towners are making things too expensive for them & being pessimistic and anti innovation or progress.

Either yall are going to catch up or keep letting out of towners make all the moves in your state. While yall are yelling “don’t California my Texas “ on the sidelines, us outta towners are on the field getting busy. Yall got homecourt advantage but instead of being in the starting 5, yall regressed to being the water boys.

Black Haven

We will find another road to glory!!!
Nov 18, 2016
If it benefits black and Latino people as well then of course texas will be against it. You may see black people who echo similar sentiments but I assure you they are a minority.When pressured most black southerners are extremely left leaning policy wise and if that wasn’t the case then Dallas and other predominantly black southern cities would just be another red area. This regional shyt is so fukking lame at this point as if the majority of black people nationally don’t vote blue.
May 1, 2012
The bullet train and decent public transportation will never happen in Texas. Rich people think that poor people will wander into their neighborhoods… and not to mention oil and gas companies have a stake in keeping people needing vehicles for their primary form of transportation.

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
The bullet train and decent public transportation will never happen in Texas. Rich people think that poor people will wander into their neighborhoods… and not to mention oil and gas companies have a stake in keeping people needing vehicles for their primary form of transportation.
It depends on the city. If you're in a place that's liberal, you're more likely to see mayoral candidates proposing more public transit.

It's the most common sense thing you can do to improve your city. Adding more bus routes calms traffic and makes parking cheaper. You're giving people jobs too as drivers and security on the bus, and you're giving people contracts on constructing the busses.

A non retarded version of elon musk would offer to help construct hundreds of electric busses and offer to build train routes. He'd offer to do it for very cheap or free since it would be his brand.

Instead we live in a world where a moron can make electric cars and then alienate the people who would buy that car by aligning with someone who doesn't even believe climate change is real or give a shyt about science and technology. Such an outcome is only possible in a country that gives seemingly endless opportunities for white men with money to fail upwards.