im here.....
nikka what u mean "WE"
they did??
Currently Active Users: 2007 (1176 members and 831 guests)
Got Damn.. It hasnt been poppin like this since the first couple days we opened up
I wonder why the traffic has picked up so much the last couple days.. Every since Pusha and Wayne had words the numbers have blew up. I guess that could be the reason
It's like even the people who don't get along are trying to hug it out...
The Booth seems to have doubled in viewership in the last few days.
Could be that the word finally got out to all the dudes n the Spot still?
Naw The spot is starting to look bad as well now. I think once that beef jumped off and it was only 2 pages deep The Spot nikkas jumped ship.
But it still baffle's me that there is almost 800 guest viewing The Coli
If it was game time I would be likebut its the middle of the fukking afternoon
This site ain't all that