What's crazy is how the benefit of video changes everything for some of y'all.
Like if you were to just hear Gunplay got jumped and his chain snatched, there'd be nothing but jokes and stupid photoshops....even if he tried to say "I got one of them though" you'd say he was saving face...
But you see the video and get the full scene and some people are giving him credit for standing up for himself where I'm pretty sure they wouldn't if this was iust articles and twitter hearsay
Point in saying that is maybe next time something happens you can sympathize with the guy who got jumped instead of being sheep who just count "Ws and Ls"...because that's not how real life works.
I think some people are telling on themselves lowkey..this the first bit of drama they've ever seen
Like if you were to just hear Gunplay got jumped and his chain snatched, there'd be nothing but jokes and stupid photoshops....even if he tried to say "I got one of them though" you'd say he was saving face...
But you see the video and get the full scene and some people are giving him credit for standing up for himself where I'm pretty sure they wouldn't if this was iust articles and twitter hearsay
Point in saying that is maybe next time something happens you can sympathize with the guy who got jumped instead of being sheep who just count "Ws and Ls"...because that's not how real life works.
I think some people are telling on themselves lowkey..this the first bit of drama they've ever seen