You support that confederate flag you open yourself up to any negativity and bad shyt thats comin your way... but white people feel so entitled to do whatever they want without thinking of the consequences...

no man no jokers don't get it.....there is a agenda to start a race war ...... you don't want that.....bad enough we got drivebys with black on you really want idiots coming at random black folks for no reason, cause racial temperatures heating up, then bring in martial law?
I know there is systematic racism, I know there has always been a latent Cold War, but for what's it worth laws are in place to cease a Hot War. They have a right to wave and showcase their flag, it doesn't require a violent standoff everytime you see one. You have a right to make a circle with a line through the Confederate flag, and hang it on your house or car window. Let them be. Keep in mind the KKK uses the American flag too in their demonstration. As we should know from basic American history, from The 13 Colonies stars to the 50 States stars, slavery, rape, genocide, legal discrimination has been part of the American Dream since Day One. Plenty of pictures of roped up black men with the American flag in the photo, to courtrooms featuring black men being given outrageous sentences for crimes. Are negroes gone still rock American flags, knowing that? History is nasty stuff, but this bullshyt of getting upset over a flag is not an issue to get overly excited about violently. There are to many people, 10s of millions, good or bad that have a close attachment to that symbol that they feel is their heritage, literally. Do we really want to be loosing our mind and wasting time fighting over this, when there are much bigger Issues for black folks to be concerned with?
Personally, I don't think so, it's not in my Top 25 Issues for Black America, that's my POV. 2 months ago if you saw a Confederate flag it wasn't even a thing. It's becoming a distraction and a method to bring in martial law if a real Hot Race War hits the streets, that's not something any of us should want, even though there are a lot of scenarios that could lead to that. My point is violently attacking people to showcase their shiit isn't wavy is only going to foster more violent retribution....and keeps cycling.
End Rant.