So your saying that no other race has been victims of racism or prejudice in america? You say whites don’t ever experience it? Boy go back to Africa and see how blacks and anyone is treated over there. You could still be a slave TODAY in africa. Keep in mind America fought a war on the bases that all men were created equal, which at the time of said war was foreign WORLD WIDE. If you think America is a bad place to live because your black then leave and see how other country’s would treat you. You may be suprised"
968 thumbs up
"Sorry but that is what their “culture” does…. plays the race card whenever someone doesn’t like them or treat them how they feel they are entitled to….. am I wrong?"
1185 thumbs up
"It never ceases to amaze me how blacks can imply or actually throw racist darts at someone with impunity.
In the first place, let’s set the record straight. There are many NFL players — black, white, and otherwise who anyone would be uncomfortable being around.
And to Boykin I ask this: are all the black guys who had off season trouble either with the NFL or the law “grown men”?
It’s pretty sad when a coach of a football team can’t do what he wants to do with his roster without being labeled a racist. Especially since there has not been one spec of proof that Kelly is a racist.
Here this black people — there are just as many racists in your “culture” as there are in any other. The great majority of black people understand that.
Now that Boykin has had his 5 minutes of fame, he can go back to listening to his hip-hop music with all those wonderful lyrics slamming women and police."
400 thumbs up
It's funny because someone at PFT is approving all these comments
So your saying that no other race has been victims of racism or prejudice in america? You say whites don’t ever experience it? Boy go back to Africa and see how blacks and anyone is treated over there. You could still be a slave TODAY in africa. Keep in mind America fought a war on the bases that all men were created equal, which at the time of said war was foreign WORLD WIDE. If you think America is a bad place to live because your black then leave and see how other country’s would treat you. You may be suprised"
968 thumbs up
"Sorry but that is what their “culture” does…. plays the race card whenever someone doesn’t like them or treat them how they feel they are entitled to….. am I wrong?"
1185 thumbs up
"It never ceases to amaze me how blacks can imply or actually throw racist darts at someone with impunity.
In the first place, let’s set the record straight. There are many NFL players — black, white, and otherwise who anyone would be uncomfortable being around.
And to Boykin I ask this: are all the black guys who had off season trouble either with the NFL or the law “grown men”?
It’s pretty sad when a coach of a football team can’t do what he wants to do with his roster without being labeled a racist. Especially since there has not been one spec of proof that Kelly is a racist.
Here this black people — there are just as many racists in your “culture” as there are in any other. The great majority of black people understand that.
Now that Boykin has had his 5 minutes of fame, he can go back to listening to his hip-hop music with all those wonderful lyrics slamming women and police."
400 thumbs up
It's funny because someone at PFT is approving all these comments