Higher Learning/Film Room Crossover!
@ORDER_66 @Call Me James @the cac mamba @Malik1time @Mic-Nificent @wickedsm @ADevilYouKhow @BigMoneyGrip @jayshiggs @305DeadCounty @Norrin Radd @TEKBEATZ @Redguard
Chuck Dixon brehs
He's one of the most popular Batman writers (he's the co-creator of Batman villain Bane), and he just successfully crowdfunded an Alt-Right superhero comic.
He even has a sidekick named Rebel, dressed like Daisy Duke with a Confederate Flag motif
This is why I'm #MarvelGang all day :bpumad:
@ORDER_66 @Call Me James @the cac mamba @Malik1time @Mic-Nificent @wickedsm @ADevilYouKhow @BigMoneyGrip @jayshiggs @305DeadCounty @Norrin Radd @TEKBEATZ @Redguard
Chuck Dixon brehs
He's one of the most popular Batman writers (he's the co-creator of Batman villain Bane), and he just successfully crowdfunded an Alt-Right superhero comic.
He even has a sidekick named Rebel, dressed like Daisy Duke with a Confederate Flag motif
This is why I'm #MarvelGang all day :bpumad: