The sliding timescale that Marvel uses is the best compromise. It's around 4-5 years to 1 real year, so Peter is about 30-ish now...but he's also a modern 30, rather than a 30 year old of 20 years ago. Plus, he was married for decades, even though he never had a kid. But they're all aging, and most characters are natural progression. Hell, he was only in HS for like 3 years real time, but for some reason, everyone seems to envision him as a teen. They're never gonna kill off most characters permanently, not their cashcows. That's not the American model, nor would they want to completely age out their target demo. Plus, most of their younger newer characters do not take off, so who's left?
The MCU has it's own problem in that their main/original cast are pushing 50, yet they still want to make movies. They haven't been successful with their younger counterparts either, and Tom Holland pushing 30. All roads lead to the same place in resetting or recasting, hoping the new actors take off. Which for one generation, they would but for the older prior (louder) fans, they more than likely won't.
Shiiiiiid, Best compromise for what? The comic industry wouldn't collapse if the 616 ended or rebooted; it's already a convoluted shyt-fest. American society wouldn't collapse. They just stubbornly sticking to a worn out "tradition" to appease who? some 70 year olds approaching their death bed?
And saying Peter is in his 30s is cap lol. Or rather, he's at best in his late 20s and that depends on the story arc.

He'll be right back to sounding like an immature mid-20 year old in the next arc or next major event... and that's the point; not the numeric age which they'll never give us, but that they had a choice 20 years ago to finally evolve the character in a way that couldn't be walked back but made a business decision. And mind you, i'm indifferent to whether they want to give him a kid or make him a family man from a creative standpoint. But obviously when every decision and every major event fallout is walked-back because you gotta keep things status quo for the next 30 years... the rationale behind it is played out imo.
And i said 08-19 MCU. Not what they currently have on life support.
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