followed what breh?
my mother had worn girdles and all sorts of things to lose weight, the minute she did things my way the weight flew off(FWIW my way = IIFYM a well known established dieting method refer: )
a good friend of mine(a lesbian actually ) also followed my method and came from 185 down to 140(6'0" )
people get caught up in the exercising but calories are calories. Unfortunately our body is adept at utilizing stored energy(fat/blood sugar/ketones etc) as efficently as possible which results in false reads on calories burned due to exercise/activity.
However the energy value of food is constant regardless what body we are speaking of...therefore if you simply reduce dietary calorie intake you ensure a consistent deficit. With periodic recalculations of your maintenance. you can cut your BF% down to ~12% relatively easily...its getting lower than that that requires "extra"