Free Valanciunas!!!
Chucking ass muthafukkas.
You a New Yorker watching the Raps?

(double entendre don't ask me how.... Melo... talking about NY...Melo in the got it)
Demar is taking much smarter shots, he's greatly decreased the amount of unnecessary fadeaways the past few games. If it comes down to it I think Masai will trade Rudy, not Demar. Demar is like 24 only and half the cost. He'll only get better. I give credit where it's due and he can be a better player, he's driving much more now and good shooter off the screen, off the dribble? Not so much.
My one problem with JV is how high he is. He always starts off at the 3 point line and almost every play he places a pick on Lowry's man. They need to switch it up and make it Amir here and there. That I won't blame him cause Casey clearly could tell him to stop being so high and find his position in the post. JV's number would be higher if Lowry played more of a pick and roll game, he'd thrive under Jose. However, Lowry is a much better attacker, defender and more heart than Jose.
Lowry gets a lot of hate, I understand he's in his contract year (and all these realGmers who are the most pessimistic people I've ever read) want him gone. These nikkas think it's NBA2K the way you can rebuild a team and talk, this isn't a tanking team... check Boston and Sacramento for that