You say that then 200 years later some crazy Belter starts throwing asteriods at Earth and Mars cuz his brand of humanity is "superior". Weak boned lames
We're not meant to save the world. We're meant to leave it.
Titan and Enceladus, would be good choice. But I heard floating above Venus was a possibility with a Bimp like craft.
You say that then 200 years later some crazy Belter starts throwing asteriods at Earth and Mars cuz his brand of humanity is "superior". Weak boned lames
Lol, this shyt reads out like the Afrofuturism shyt I’m writing.
Have you read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress? Or Red Rising? I didn't read Red Rising, but it sounds but I did read TMIAHM. Anyway, they both sound similar to your book...But that Afrofuturist flavor? Yeah, we need that...
Living on Mars is not a long term solution, because you cannot terraform Mars.
If you want to colonize another planet you must be able to terraform it.
But since mars has no magnetic field it will not shield the planet and retain a livable atmosphere for humans.
If you want to colonize another planet you must be able to terraform it, and if you must be able to terraform it the planet must have a magnetic field.
Solar flares is not enough.
Mars is not it, our next planet is has yet to be discovered.
I'm ready if pastor troy could do it and future be on pluto so...
Also, one of its asteroid moons is destined to crash into the planet so that’s a disaster waiting to happen.
Wouldn't this collision aide in the creation of a thicker, more suitable atmosphere?
What if I told you everything on Mars is undergroundThe human body evolved on this planet based on specific conditions. The most important of all being gravity.
Mars has 62% less gravity than on earth so the human body will decay much faster than on earth. Humans over time would evolve a totally different humanoid species or simply go extinct.
The movie Avatar is an example of what Hollywood gets right and wrong about space and other planets. The Navi evolved to have stronger bones and where much larger to compensate for the obvious weaker gravity on the planet. It’s also why the humans shouldn’t have been able to walk around, even with the oxygen masks on.
Until we learn to develop artificial gravity, colonizing should be off the table when it comes to other planets.
the closest planet to earths gravity btw is Venus which is not habitable.