neither of my parents were very there for me. they were either concerned with work or stuck in their own misery. it was a very sad childhood. not much affection at all. i think the worse was walking to school by myself when i was real little.
i think the way they treated me showed in school. i had one great best friend, but i ended up having to see a counselor cuz of how i treated other students (how my parents treated me). the counselor helped.
AYOO!!!!! Helga is killing this thread right now!
I am over here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
+ Rep for Helga!!!!
I understood it all!
what happened?
neither of my parents were very there for me. they were either concerned with work or stuck in their own misery. it was a very sad childhood. not much affection at all. i think the worse was walking to school by myself when i was real little.
i think the way they treated me showed in school. i had one great best friend, but i ended up having to see a counselor cuz of how i treated other students (how my parents treated me). the counselor helped.