Coli Philosphers...Explain Human Consciousness. Why are only humans and few others self aware?


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
ALL of our nature is pre programmed.

Consciousness is not pre programmed but fluid and manifest through our birth and genetics.

Our consciousness is used to either change or control our nature.... and/or fit well with other people's realty and physical lives.
Connecting with others consciousness helps develope your reality.

Changing your nature through conscious. ... helps us go on and dominate our habit by acting out behaviors that makes us work together and mate and build in the best ways.
Sep 22, 2015
Occulonimbus edoequus
ALL of our nature is pre programmed.

Consciousness is not pre programmed but fluid and manifest through our birth and genetics.

Our consciousness is used to either change or control our nature.... and/or fit well with other people's realty and physical lives.
Connecting with others consciousness helps develope your reality.

Changing your nature through conscious. ... helps us go on and dominate our habit by acting out behaviors that makes us work together and mate and build in the best ways.

Explain war then.


[Formerly Blackking]
Jan 14, 2016
Explain war then.
War fits in line with our nature.
First rule in nature is self preservation.

Society (and modern travel and interaction ) has tricked us into thinking we are just one big human race... even dog aNd large apes are smarter than this foolishness.

Survival and self preservation.

Nature explains war


A Doctor of Love
May 11, 2012
If you think you're lonely now, ohhh girl...
Because "consciousness" at least in the way people colloquially refer to it seems to be dependent on time and spatial awareness (i.e. I am drinking tea in a cafe in Paris, France), and independent from animal instinct. Moreover, since "I am" drinking tea in a cafe -- I would argue that it's a priori that I know exactly what am (e.g. human) and doesn't have to be stated. Thus, in the human experience - for us - concisouness is the aforementioned (i.e. time, place, I am) and most of our methodology in regards to determining what makes a species conscious -- or not is built upon those notions (like an animal being able to recognize itself in a mirror).

Yet, that's a human-centric view of consciousness. Thomas Nagel has a famous paper called, "What's it like to be a bat." Even as a human if I know every scientific factoid about bats and I imagine myself to be a bat, would my humanity allow me to really mimic the mind of a bat? No. I can only do so through a human lense. I am imprisoned by it. I have no idea what it's like to be a bat despite knowing what echolocation is. I can't really tell if bats know they are bats. I can't tell what it's like to experience the world as a bat.

In other words, it might not be that only a few species are conscious. It may actually be that we have a very narrow understandig and myopic ideal of "consciousness." Dogs aren't conscious, supposedly. Dogs have no interest in their reflection for the most part and that kind of thing; but, every dog I've ever had seemed to realize that I was different from them. That I was not whatever they are, and that I had the ability to do things they could not. They would even play to my sensibilities. They immediately recognized others from their own species and vice versa. A dog isn't going to mistake an alligator for another dog, for example. In my observations of them, dogs seem to know that they are "dogs." They may not know they're referred to as dogs like I know I'm referenced as human, but they don't seem to conflate humanity and the canine existence.

Simply put: we don't know enough about consciousness to determine what animals are and aren't conscious.


All Star
May 24, 2012
First of all, consciousness is not a light switch, we have to accept its granularity, that some beings are not fully conscious. As far as explanation, our understanding of human like conscious as being 100% is just a byproduct of our massive brains and ability to import knowledge from being before us. If a person is born and never interacts with any humans ever, I believe that which would have been consciousness is wasted, they would not have learned to be self aware.

Deeper still, consciousness links us to the zero point dimensions of space time. Where physical properties have no translation, and we are inherit gods. This is where we go where we sleep and dream, completely unbound by body or any limitation, yet experiencing the full sensations of reality.

Another property is consciousness is that since we aren't bound by space time, we can walk along it, fast forward and have premonitions, rewind and experience past events. This is what high levels of consciousness allow.

In short, why do we have it? Because our brains allow it. Why do we have brains that allow it? Instinct and self breeding of the human race to survive lead is to acquire an advantage over other species and animal. What we do with it is exploit reality to our advantage. Nature made a monster, one capable of identifying nature itself and not being bound by it.

All IMHO :blessed: