overall, I liked this but not as much as the original. It took the themes of the first and rather than just remake them or be a flat out sequel, it told it's own story and can stand out on it's own, so props on that.
But this is a whole hour longer than the first, It didn't need to be. Also, the score pales in comparison to the first one's which always stood out whereas the 2018 one is just there not really adding much throughout the movie. Tilda carried the hell out of this movie. Also, no need to be overly mysterious to the point where they cover their points up so much, that no one really cares about figuring them out. The first one wasn't that at all. Not to say it's hard to figure out what's going on here...but lets get to the point sooner

Great effects, bit too much cheesy blood use tho, dance scenes were very well done