just finished s1 ep1 of sons of anarchy . I like it
katey sagel being bad just makes me like her even more
do yourself a favour and stop after season 3, you'll thank me for that later...
First three seasons - you're in for a treat
As for me, yesterday was a movie day so:
Men in Black 3 - one of the worst movies of 2012, what a terrible movie, I couldn't believe how bad it was
Abraham Lincon - Vampire Hunter - pretty decent, I was expecting loads of crap and I got some of that, but I also got some nice fight scenes and story with adjusting the history of USA, which honestly, worked out pretty good
Total Recall (the new one) - really good special effects, a lot of cat fights, Jessica and Kate

but the movie lacked this special climate that the original had, maybe due to Mars being omitted in the storyline
21 Jump Street - this move surprised me the most