Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
I don't fukk with Fellini too heavy so I don't fukk with Sorrentino and his Fellini-homage shtick too much either, but there's always a bunch of cinematic gems hidden in all his Fellini-ing and Youth is no different. Although most people would probably mention the scene where Michael Caine argues with the Queen's ambassador and Rachel Weisz sits across the room listening to the exchange in silence as the film's stand-out, my favorite moment was a dialogue between a masseuse and Michael Caine's character about the intimacy of touch. It's direct with a certain honesty to it that just feels magical. Caine delivers one hell of a performance, simply calling it his best in years understates how great a performance it is because it might be one of the best this year. Good performances by Rachel Weisz and Harvey Keitel as well, it just remains a tad disappointing that the movie feels so disjointed because of the Fellini-ing.