Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine

Brehs know that I love me some Cannes but one thing they need to stop is their love affair with Jacques Audiard. When Dheepan took the Palme d'Or this year there was a lot of talk that it was just making up for him losing on Un Prophète and De Rouille Et d'Os (not that either of those films deserved it) and it makes sense because it's just not that good. That's to say, for the most part it's a strong and realistic depiction of three Tamil refugees (pretending to be a family) trying to start a new life in France, but like De Rouille Et d'Os it builds to a climax so stupidly melodramatic and over-the-top (seriously, if you didn't think Audiard would be able to beat that ice punching scene, think again!) that it completely deflates the movie as a whole. It's a shame too because a topic like this deserves a good, honest depiction in cinema, and this couldn't have been better timed given the current immigrant crisis in Europe, but unfortunately this isn't the movie the world needs on that topic.