wow 30 are the extras??
Return of the Dragon (HD 24:08) - This newly produced documentary features interviews with lead actor Taimak, producer Berry Gordy, screenwriter Louis Venosta and director Michael Schultz as well as interviews with other co-starring actors. As expected, praises and compliments are abundant among the interviewees, but the nostaliga and general enthusiasm are too genuine to dismiss. There are some movies which are simply way underrated or overlooked, and 'The Last Dragon' Is one of them.
Notably missing in this retrospective is Vanity, who retired from show business in the mid-nineties, and actor Julius Carry who died in 2008. However, affectionate mention is made of both actors by the cast and crew.
Original Theatrical Trailer (HD 1:26) - Though not up to the standards of the main feature, this preview looks very well-preserved and cleaned up for Blu-ray.