Two Days, One night- it was good, but a bit repetitive and kinda too much real life. i like my movies for escapism.. not to give me anxiety. lol
The Station Agent
The Man in the High Castle (pilot on amazon instant video) - this was dope.. i want more @Sensitive Blake Griffin they had me at phillip k dikk![]()
Real good movie
bobby cannavale was such a annoying, yet likeable scrub in that flickReal good movie
bobby cannavale was such a annoying, yet likeable scrub in that flick![]()
Midnight in Paris - A+. I loved it. I think I'm gonna have to go on a Woody Allen binge soon
How to Tame Your Dragon - A+. So good. Now I have to see part 2.
I liked it too. The French actress was my favorite in the movie. If you liked that then I think you'll really like