X was great. Reviewed it in The official Horror thread.I watched X. Found it kinda trash
What are your thoughts on yellowjackets? I tried watching but just couldn't get into it. I'm 2 episodes in
Yellow jackets:
Boring and uninspired. Watched the first episode, 1/2 of the 2nd episode and considered it trash status. Too much white woman angst in it for me to tolerate

and how many times are they going to remake another version of “Lord of the Flies”?? Which is basically what it is. If I want to see people kill themselves on an island, survivor style - I’ll watch “Battle Royale” . Not a group of white girls complaining and flashbacks. **yawnnnn
Cruel Summer on Hulu >>>>>
Everybody is a damn degenerate liar on this show ^^^ this ish is crazy. Reminds me of my time in catholic/private school (corrective behavioral issue placement.. yeah ok)