Coli I Need Coaching


Aug 9, 2013
They hating cause your on your way up and they think your going to leave them behind. The hate is really a cry for help. You can either let it harden your heart and seperate yourself. Which I suggest you do anyways. "Your alot stronger when you realize your on your own." Camoflague AKA Ghanghis Khan

Or you can face it straight on and talk to your fam about how you want to give back and what your doing is for them in the long run. I heavily condone the "born alone, die alone" mentality. Though I'm not above partying in the meantime. Meaning, Do what you can for them, but at the same time protect your neck at all times, from all sides. One love breh. It's hard to try to make your own way in the world and they see your efforts and they see you as the better man. They are trying to hold you back and bring you down because they can't bring themselves to have that work ethic for themselves.

If you want to help them, know that it will take a gentle hand, light touches and alot of time. Use every situation as a lesson. But do not let them hold you back or bring you down, don't let them think you need them. This is YOU this is YOUR life. They wouldn't do for you what you would do for them. It ain't fair but your put in this situation because you can handle it. Good Luck and Good Fortune


All Star
Nov 6, 2012
They hating cause your on your way up and they think your going to leave them behind. The hate is really a cry for help. You can either let it harden your heart and seperate yourself. Which I suggest you do anyways. "Your alot stronger when you realize your on your own." Camoflague AKA Ghanghis Khan

Or you can face it straight on and talk to your fam about how you want to give back and what your doing is for them in the long run. I heavily condone the "born alone, die alone" mentality. Though I'm not above partying in the meantime. Meaning, Do what you can for them, but at the same time protect your neck at all times, from all sides. One love breh. It's hard to try to make your own way in the world and they see your efforts and they see you as the better man. They are trying to hold you back and bring you down because they can't bring themselves to have that work ethic for themselves.

If you want to help them, know that it will take a gentle hand, light touches and alot of time. Use every situation as a lesson. But do not let them hold you back or bring you down, don't let them think you need them. This is YOU this is YOUR life. They wouldn't do for you what you would do for them. It ain't fair but your put in this situation because you can handle it. Good Luck and Good Fortune

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
They hating cause your on your way up and they think your going to leave them behind.

It's hard to try to make your own way in the world and they see your efforts and they see you as the better man. They are trying to hold you back and bring you down because they can't bring themselves to have that work ethic for themselves.

This man is speaking the gospel.

Killer Instinct

To live in hearts we leave behind is to never die.
May 1, 2012
Its sad because i dont worry about what others are doing and i feel happy to see others make it.
Everyone is a little envious at times it's human but the extremes they take it is unnecessary.

It's a defense mechanism. Contrary to the feel good stories people have fed us growing up, the majority of individuals around you don't mind seeing you do better - if they're doing better than you. A lot of people won't care that you're driving a BMW - if they're pushing a Ferrari. A lot of people won't mind that you live in a 4,200 SQ FT home...hell, they may even be happy for you - if they live in a 4,800 SQ FT Home. A lot of people will be happy for you if you bring in 220K per year - as long as they bring in 280K. When people sense and see that drive in you that they lack? They hate it. Often times it will come from family & "friends". You have to learn to let it roll off of your back like water.

I'm applying to med school this year. I've seen it all - from family & friends alike. You're not alone. You will have those that will support you through thick & thin and you will have those that will attempt to dissuade you. If you focus on their feelings and emotions, you're going to lose track of your destination. When you're doing something special and/or tough, it's natural to want support. That's really all it seems you're asking for. It hurts when your family isn't there to support you, but if you don't persevere you're doing exactly what they want you to do. And when you fail? They're going to be there.

":ufdup: I told you that you couldn't do it."

As bad as you're feeling now, you're going to feel 10x worse if that becomes your reality. How they feel is irrelevant when it pertains to whether or not you succeed. The more you dwell on perceived jealousy and envy, the more negativity you are going to bring into your endeavors. Let go and handle your business.


All Star
Nov 6, 2012
It's a defense mechanism. Contrary to the feel good stories people have fed us growing up, the majority of individuals around you don't mind seeing you do better - if they're doing better than you. A lot of people won't care that you're driving a BMW - if they're pushing a Ferrari. A lot of people won't mind that you live in a 4,200 SQ FT home...hell, they may even be happy for you - if they live in a 4,800 SQ FT Home. A lot of people will be happy for you if you bring in 220K per year - as long as they bring in 280K. When people sense and see that drive in you that they lack? They hate it. Often times it will come from family & "friends". You have to learn to let it roll off of your back like water.

I'm applying to med school this year. I've seen it all - from family & friends alike. You're not alone. You will have those that will support you through thick & thin and you will have those that will attempt to dissuade you. If you focus on their feelings and emotions, you're going to lose track of your destination. When you're doing something special and/or tough, it's natural to want support. That's really all it seems you're asking for. It hurts when your family isn't there to support you, but if you don't persevere you're doing exactly what they want you to do. And when you fail? They're going to be there.

":ufdup: I told you that you couldn't do it."

As bad as you're feeling now, you're going to feel 10x worse if that becomes your reality. How they feel is irrelevant when it pertains to whether or not you succeed. The more you dwell on perceived jealousy and envy, the more negativity you are going to bring into your endeavors. Let go and handle your business.
thank you so much bro

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Yeah, I made a thread like this a few weeks ago. In all honesty, an older friend of mine put me onto game. She said that they can hate all they want, but one of most obvious reasons for why people hate is because they know that you have the potential to be great. That and the combination of being humble and well mannered, I'm sure eats most people alive.

As for what you should do, honestly I'd just ignore your cousins and uncles, I just stopped fukking with 2 of my cousins as well, and I don't plan on fukking with them until I'm in the position that I want to be in (studying in Germany), but until I'm in that position; I ain't got time for that bullshyt.

And that dude that hates on you and your friend, just don't kick it with him anymore, if you have your friend then why do you need to hangout in a group with a guy or 2 that don't even like you? It seems pitiful.