Rap Guerilla
bytch better not have a fukking gut.
If she does she better amazing all around and that gut is like a small but manageable gut not a gut that will lead to her getting fat
If she liable to get fat soon down the line then its
If she 3 or 4 donuts away from being a fat bytch then it's
I smash in the 3 or 4 donut case but she ain't gon be seen in public with me until she does something about her body.
I ain't got no gut. 180lbs 6'1 nikka. I work on my body. I expect any bytch I get at to work on hers
I do enough charity by working at a homeless shelter. I ain't giving myself up to these fat hoes.
Like I said it's about appearance, but it's more about health too. a fat bytch=not fukking healthy at all ain't no way around it(Fewtcha!)
man I been married 10 years as of this august. my broad did the courtesy of remaining under 115 lbs all this time, so I figure I should do my part. I'm 6' 184lbs. in college I weighed 178 lbs, so I have pretty much maintained for the last 14 years