Cold War II: The United States vs Trump and Co. A Russian Affair


May 7, 2012


Comedy is an institutionalist. He will not come out of this looking good either. While I don't think he would actively suppress anything, people should not hang their hat on the FBI. The full story will come due to pressure from outside D.C.

Remember that Mueller/Comey are institutionalists/establishment to the core. Have to keep in mind that their default position re: politics is that the American people must be protected/insulated from any "traumatic" national/political experiences. Comey is basically espousing the preference that even if trump has clearly committed felonies and that Russian collusion has been proven, that Mueller and the Congress not force trump out. That is one thing I always keep in mind. Consider this scenario: Trump decides that he's cornered and knows that Mueller has clear and convincing evidence of all his crimes. He then tells Mueller that he is prepared to resign the Presidency immediately, without any conditions, with an airtight agreement that he wouldn't then disparage the process etc afterwards. WWMD?


I've always said that the preference (of the IC/Comey/Mueller) is for Trump to be removed by political forces. They do not want the spectacle of an impeachment and criminal trials because again they are from that generation of civil servants who think they are protecting the country from "trauma" blah blah blah. Very patrician and somewhat patronizing, but that's just who they are. They are hoping that right now the GOP as well as people within the administration start abandoning Trump. If Trump continues his defiance, at some point Mueller will use emissaries to Trump to give him a sampling of the evidence/intelligence that has been collected which directly implicates him . Either concurrently or directly afterwards GOP leadership from the Senate/House will meet with Trump (Nixonian comparison would be Goldwater's meeting day before Nixon announced resignation) to let him know that his base of support has crumbled and that they wouldn't be able to stop his impeachment. I'm also of the belief that there are people right now (from both sides - Mueller and Trump's) gameplanning once this happens how the fallout may be limited so that we don't have the spectacle of a former president and various members of his inner circle/cabinet under criminal investigation in the aftermath.

Never forget that these people are institutionalists - they don't have the same sense of frustration with/hatred of Washington and the political world that you see among ordinary people. Even a true a$$hole like Jeff Sessions probably has dozens of Democrats that would call him a friend and wouldn't want to see him behind bars (no matter how much he deserves it).

There is zero chance that the report will end up with the kind of whimper that the White House and its supporters are hoping for. Give a prosecutor a couple of paralegals, a budget and subpoena power and he will be able to find out way more than you can ever imagine.

Remember what Mueller had at his disposal

1. Dozens of prosecutors/attorneys/investigators
2. The FBI and entire Justice Dept. infrastructure
4. COOPERATION OF UNTOLD NUMBERS OF OTHER FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES - really think about this one, for instance when he was able to give the PLAY by PLAY of the Russian hacking b/c the Dutch had full run of the Russian system (including surveillance cameras)
5. Cooperation of Flynn, Gates, Nader, Cohen (remember him) and many more
6. Subpoena power - think about all the emails, correspondence from people who were cooperating as well as people/institutions (Deutsche Bank etc) that were forced to submit information. All of the computers, phones from Stone, Cohen etc. Think about all of the information they've gleaned from WhatsApp, Signal, Telegraph etc.
7. Bosses/supervisors that supported him at all points (from Sessions, Wray to Rosenstein)
8. Cooperating state level prosecutors

What I highlighted in RED is critical. I honestly believe this is why Barr was brought on. trump is predictable. Mueller has probably known from the very beginning that trump was thoroughly corrupt and guilty of absolutely everything we suspect and even more. Mueller never speaks so we need to look at the things that people like him are saying. This is where Comey is important. His recent comments (and my suggestion from a while back) that he's obsessed with "national trauma" or the idea that trump supporters would never accept a report/conclusion arrived at thru impeachment is probably something Mueller believes as well. Hence the need to be as comprehensive as possible. Would not be surprised in the least if Barr isn't being used as that emissary. It makes sense. He has prior experience and all of his communication prior was supportive of trump. He can reasonably be seen as someone who didn't come in looking to fuk trump over, but instead able to provide truly objective counsel. Other things that affected the timeline include:

1. the counter intelligence aspect - where as people have said, these concerns operate on a separate track than criminal investigations. some of the conclusions may never be publicized.
2. trump's behavior - everyone has been talking about how much crazier trump has been acting lately. i'm sure if he had been governing as a standard right winger, mueller would not have felt as pressured to wrap up the investigation. but doing crazy shyt like taking money from the military to build a wall (head of Marines released a memo last couple of days talking about how this is affecting our military readiness), may be making him more anxious?

I think the report is going to show very conclusively that there is more than enough evidence to indict trump for everything and anything mueller wants, but that he's holding to DOJ policy that a sitting president can't be indicted.

I also believe that all of the ancillary figures (Don Jr etc) have been indicted under seal, but that Mueller has decided to offshore those to the various US attorneys (DC/Virginia/NY). He indicted and charged Papadapolous for lying, there is ZERO chance of any inconsistency on this front. We know that he lied about the trump tower meeting to Congress.

And we know that Mueller ALWAYS has more evidence then is publicly acknowledged/contemplated. That has been the case at literally every point in this investigation whenever Mueller has filed court documents. Even when he does file responses etc, half the page is redacted. EVERY SINGLE TIME. I don't see this report ending/concluding with open questions. It's not the type of work people like Mueller and his prosecutors engage in. Remember that Mueller's true calling, in his own words, was in working homicides. He wasn't an intel agent or an academic - where "cases" never actually end. But being the institutionalist that he is, he will not make those conclusions himself. He will lay out the facts in such a way that there is no other option but to pursue trump and co.


R.I.P Char
Poster of the Year
May 1, 2012
Pawgs with dragons

I always had trouble reconciling the seemingly consistent account of Mueller's character, temperament, and how he tends to conduct investigations versus the burn down the establishment, complete and total fukkery end goal many expected to be a part of this investigation. I've taken solace in how detailed this report is said to be and the fact that the possibility of Mueller speaking before the House is a real one.

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
Why do people think just cause trumps not getting indicted ( he never was going too) he is free ? The DOJ /FBI would never recommend that on a sitting president or his family
Team Trump is desperate and jump at any reason to celebrate even if it's a long reach. They've been like this for the past 1 1/2 years. It was around that time they truly realized what a basket case dude was but they accepted they were stuck with him. So they stuffed their head with fantasies and justifications and turned Fox News up real loud.


Jun 15, 2017
The whole original premise was DJT colluded directly with Russia to steal the election. Trump was a traitor etc etc.

So yes, if trump is not put in handcuffs, it’s a win for MAGA. The only ones juelzing are the ones that thought the feds were gonna get him.

The president going to jail while he's president was never going to happen, but impeachment is still a possibility. 50/50 I'd say.


Apr 30, 2012
1st Round Playoff Exits
something doesnt seem right.....

Even pbsnewshour was mumbling and juelzing about the outcome:



Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Muller and Barr held bible study together. I never agreed to anything.
Mueller wouldn't cover for this draft dodging piece of shyt. As long as we're getting the full picture from Barr I'm going to accept the findings. Let's not turn into the very things that we hate.
