Cold War II: The United States vs Trump and Co. A Russian Affair

the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
Actually it is. The public’s common (mis) understanding of what constitutes impeachable offenses is shaped, I would argue, by the backlash against the Clinton impeachment.

Unfortunately it doesn’t help that even congressional leaders misstate the requirements. No affirmative criminal act need be proven.

It really boils down to an issue of whether the presidents conduct (by commission or omission) represents an abuse of power or gross neglect of their duties. So yes, lying about whether Obama was to blame for XYZ, or lying about whether the wall is already being built wouldn’t constitute an impeachable offense. But lying (if it can be proven) about his discussions with Putin, or whether he was trying to obstruct the Mueller investigation, or the issue of security clearances for his kids, etc, in totality, would absolutely fall under the definition of high crimes/misdemeanors as it was understood/envisioned when originally drafted. These fundamentally go to the heart of the administration of his duties.

One of the counts against Nixon was for making “false and misleading public statements...contrary to his trust as president and subversive of constitutional government.”

Now whether it is politically feasible is a completely different story.

There’s a pretty good article I believe on Lawfare that goes into these issues if you’re actually interested. Crazy times.
im not the enemy here brehs, im just trying to manage my expectations

i want the orange fakkit out of the white house, but it's not gonna happen because he lies