"Please share to all Wrestling related groups and pages! And let WWE know! This is the time to let our voices be heard. For those that are appearing on merchandise that has lost their health, their families, and some their lives. The problem is he wants to pay for the future by ripping off the past, he has once said that the past didn't exist. If Egypt can be overturned and changed so can Vince McMahon and so can his WWE empire. Let your voices be heard and help us to let ours be heard! … As people got behind us years ago. Get behind us one more time. Support us in this effort. We just got it up on the WWE page. Please go there and share my post on Vince's Muscle Body and Fitness. It gives us the power! #WWEPAYUSNOW! … I'm getting lots of questions one i spoke with wwe scott ammon he said we could beat WWE on a state level for stealing our likeness,name, intellectual property . Wwe scott ammon said we will beat you in court on a federal level . He said we paid certain people Lots of money . Problem is you paid the wrong people . Its time to pay up the talent not just top names but also the refs enhancement and announcers that is being distributed by WWE. They have no signed releases . Even scott ammon told me that . Help us in our plight your voice is heard and does count . Be silent no longer . Deflate Vince McMahon now! Go to WWE's page and tell them to pay the wrestlers the royalties that owe them. If they are on merchandise for example the network or dvds. That is how to voice your opinion! If you want to help us you can contact the following sponsors and tell them what WWE has been doing: General Motors, Ford Motor Co., Disney, DreamWorks, Paramount, Kmart, Subway, Taco Bell, Colgate, Frito-Lay, Schick and Mattel."