Cody Rhodes Says Vince Doesn't Hold NXT Superstars Back, Believes They "Become Lazy" After NXT


May 1, 2012
Essex County, NJ
So a few days ago Cody had a mini-Q&A and a fan asked him whether he thought Vince unfairly held NXT talent back. Cody responded that guys and girls aren't being held back by Vince but rather are lazy once they get on the main roster.

Normally I would think he's just trying to be nice and get back with WWE but I believe him. I'll never forget Daniel Bryan saying on CM Punk's DVD that there's a bunch of guys backstage who don't even want to work Superstars but just want to get a check and keep it moving.

It also might be a case of people who were successful in NXT believing their own hype. Braun, Elias and Alexa all had something to prove since they care into the main roster having something to prove to fans and the company.

Does TSC agree with Cody's assessment of NXT talent being lazy or do you still think that they're being held back by Vince?


Dec 2, 2015
Sounds like BS because he wants HHH and Vince to hire him when his run is over.
I remember him when he left specifically being because he had no opportunity to advance, which is the reason most people become complacent and just count the checks.
Why try when you know it won't matter and if you do connect with the audience the company will kill it.


The Great Negro
Nov 7, 2015
Kansas City, MO.
Many of them just end up getting fed to guys like Cena/Orton/Brock. Like at some point Elias gotta see John about a shovel and we all know it's coming. Just like Rusev. It looks like it's changing a little, since we're getting AJ/Nakamura going into Mania and they're not just inserting one of their old reliables into that match, yet. I don't know what exactly Cody is expecting them to do? Is someone like Tye Dillenger supposed to risk his job and go off script in a promo on live tv or something?


May 1, 2012
Essex County, NJ
Sounds like BS because he wants HHH and Vince to hire him when his run is over.
I remember him when he left specifically being because he had no opportunity to advance, which is the reason most people become complacent and just count the checks.
Why try when you know it won't matter and if you do connect with the audience the company will kill it.

I thought he was a plant too at one time but I can’t figure out why a plant would produce this All In show with their own money. That’s some deep cover triple agent stuff.

Roman Brady

Nobody Lives Forever
May 9, 2012
Sounds like BS because he wants HHH and Vince to hire him when his run is over.
I remember him when he left specifically being because he had no opportunity to advance, which is the reason most people become complacent and just count the checks.
Why try when you know it won't matter and if you do connect with the audience the company will kill it.
This, nxt is a small pond whereas the main roster is an ocean. He knows fully well once you move to the main roster its a whole new ball game. Different bookers, style and bottom line. Looks like all that success has gone to his head

Scottie Drippin

Should Never Mention Me
Apr 30, 2012
The Traps of Unified Korea
Did everyone ignore the second part of the tweet where he called himself out on getting complacent, too :snoop:

You nerds can't even read 140 characters before getting mad now.

Finn got the biggest, most immediate push anyone has had in recent memory. One year on the main roster Shinsuke wins WM and is headed for a big time match at WM. The Drifter is in the middle of a big push. KO has been Univ champ, Samoa Joe has been an upper-mid to main eventer, getting a Brock Lesnar feud and match, Corbin got a big push, Jason Jordan got a dumb idea that was still a big call followed by a push. Roode stepped right into big programs on the main roster.

Some NXT acts bust on the main roster as they have no idea how to use them, or they'd just never translate to a bigger audience anyway. Others have been immediate successes, others have been pushed over and over again. There is no WWE vendetta against NXT. They legit try with all the big NXT stars
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Beautiful Bobby Eatin

May 1, 2012
Terra Belle, Georgia
Did everyone ignore the second part of the tweet where he called himself out on getting complacent, too :snoop:

You nerds can't even read 140 characters before getting mad now.

Finn got the biggest, most immediate push anyone has had in recent memory. One year on the main roster Shinsuke wins WM and is headed for a big time match at WM. The Drifter is in the middle of a big push. KO has been Univ champ, Samoa Joe has been an upper-mid to main eventer, getting a Brock Lesnar feud and match, Corbin got a big push, Jason Jordan got a dumb idea that was still a big call followed by a push. Roode stepped right into big programs on the main roster.

Some NXT acts bust on the main roster as they have no idea how to use them, or they'd just never translate to a bigger audience anyway. Others have been immediate successes, others have been pushed over and over again. There is no WWE vendetta against NXT. They legit try with all the big NXT stars
The point is their trying hasnt worked in a lot of cases. They tried with Neville by dropping his first name and adding a cape. They gave Rusev his anti american win streak. They gave Baron Corbin a personality. They put Tye Dillenger on SOME smackdown broadcasts. But these Vinceisms havent worked. Im sure some guys get lazy but more often than not they work their ass off. And I really liked the Stardust gimmick more than most and he ran with that too. They just didnt do much with it :yeshrug:

Scottie Drippin

Should Never Mention Me
Apr 30, 2012
The Traps of Unified Korea
The point is their trying hasnt worked in a lot of cases. They tried with Neville by dropping his first name and adding a cape. They gave Rusev his anti american win streak. They gave Baron Corbin a personality. They put Tye Dillenger on SOME smackdown broadcasts. But these Vinceisms havent worked. Im sure some guys get lazy but more often than not they work their ass off. And I really liked the Stardust gimmick more than most and he ran with that too. They just didnt do much with it :yeshrug:
Family he himself admits he didn't improve and got out of shape and you're still putting the blame elsewhere. I really don't get that. :patrice:

And why does everyone have to succeed? Nothing works like that. Some people make it, some people don't. The NXT success rate is already insanely high. NXT has produced two universal champs, a MITB winner, a Royal Rumble winner, and a bunch of mid-card and tag team belt holders. Not to mention, the entire womens division on both shows pretty much. And this is just in what...the last 2 or so years? The roster is filled with NXT people who are gonna get their shots in the coming months and years, plus some more up behind them, some of whom will probably get the same hotshot pushes that those before them got.

This NXT thing is people complaining for the sake of complaining. The product as a whole is down. And it's not because they're not pushing NXT alumns. They're pushing the hell out of the good ones.