The left does it too to him. He isn’t good for TV.
Mr. Actionable items a clown in his own rightJay-Z involved in managing him...SMH
Here's the full song. It's as good as you think it would be.Imma need this edit in It’s entirety
I don't think he is a shill. I think he just fukking sucks and that network as a huge problem with their "pundits" not disclosing their relationships. CNN, and cable news in general, are proudly saying they are not in the business of journalism anymore.It's not a both sides thing
Hes not even being manipulated...hes doing exactly what he wants to do
Hes a right wing shill
I don’t think any reasonable person blames a management company for everything one of their employees does. Van is who he is as @mastermind says. He’s been like this forever. I don’t actually know what most people are outraged about from a policy standpoint. Van believes slow motion better than no motion - and has always been like that. This is the same dude who props up Kim K’s vanity moves. The only story here is that he got played and used to pretend it was bipartisan and that CNN proves unethical again. What does knowing Van Jones helped with the bill do? Aside from him looking like a puppet and an ass? Van has this core belief about being kind to everyone and talking to everyone that allows him to be used as a punching bag. This is just another sad indictment on him because he’s very intelligentJay-Z involved in managing him...SMH
Resistance Liberal Twitter is killing him damn
You know what ppl are mad aboutI don’t think any reasonable person blames a management company for everything one of their employees does. Van is who he is as @mastermind says. He’s been like this forever. I don’t actually know what most people are outraged about from a policy standpoint. Van believes slow motion better than no motion - and has always been like that. This is the same dude who props up Kim K’s vanity moves. The only story here is that he got played and used to pretend it was bipartisan and that CNN proves unethical again. What does knowing Van Jones helped with the bill do? Aside from him looking like a puppet and an ass? Van has this core belief about being kind to everyone and talking to everyone that allows him to be used as a punching bag. This is just another sad indictment on him because he’s very intelligent