I Really Mean It
We don't have anymore room at the cookout! 

This 1000 times. Frankenstein is now realising the monster he created can’t be killed. It’s too late for contrition now.The media is complicit. They helped create this monster. I don't feel sorry for any of them.
The media is complicit. They helped create this monster. I don't feel sorry for any of them.
Those three black females trump shytted on ain't deserve that at all, they were doing they jobs asking questions.
Don't we shyt on all white people for the sins of other white people all the time? Don't we shyt on many women for the actions of the few? I stand by my statement. As long as they aren't being physically harmed I don't feel sorry for them AT ALL.
The media is complicit. They helped create this monster. I don't feel sorry for any of them.
Speak for your self my brother I don’t shyt on all women because of the actions of a few. That’s what idiots do imo
I noticed you didn't say anything about my other example so the point stands. The companies they work for put them in this position. The media has been sucking Trump's dikk and giving him free publicity for almost FIFTY YEARS, they know firsthand the type of man he is, but now that he's turned on them I'm supposed to empathize. Nein! These are professionals earning mid to high six figures to do their job, if he calls them a couple of bad names so be it. He should conduct himself better but this is nothing new for Trump, the media has been in bed with him since the 70s now they're getting burned. Boo fukking hoo.