The Great One
Swag Surfin
colts a very under-rated and talented dude, above average worker and a really funny guy, is he danielson in the ring? no, but he is an above average worker and has a style thats unique, hes not for everyone but i dig his "comedy in wrestling" style, he can put on good matches and is pretty athletic for being a bigger dude, again hes not bigelow or samoa joe as far as big men but bottom line is hes entertaining, art of wrestling podcast is one of the best things goin, hed be great on comentary or interviews, plus creative has nothing for you and worst promo evers are the t*ts! fukkin hillarious if you havent checked them out, do yourself a favor and do that, colt can get over with the fans easily if given the chance
You could not be more wrong on every point.
The Art of Wrestling Podcast is HORRIBLE. He never talks about anything of substance, and it usually leads back to him complaining about his chances and how he was slighted. He sucks, this is why he is not on TV. He is talentless.