why the hell would they not do a surprise CM punk return at a live show???
the pop... the energy... the buzz it would have generated....
there's at least half a dozen big moments the WWE spoiled the last few years by taking a sterile, anti-climatic approach
i dont get it
because hes not signed as a wrestler.
no point in bringing him back in front of a big crowd if youre just gonna pump-fake it and sit in the studio instead of wrestling.
that chit would be depressing to WWE Universe marks who have no clue whats going on, start thinking about dream matches, and then months later theres still nothing but him on backstage.
i’ve said it a hundred times, none of them want to leave WWE. They either have Stockholm syndrome or just use AEW to bargain for more money. Moxley will be the last to jump ship.
I think cm punk is just a mark.
I kinda peeped that back when him, joe & bryan were the hottest free agents. he gave TNA an ultimatum, saying he'd sign if they gave him a 60 minute iron man match against joe.
then he turns around, signs to the E and goes str8 to OVW or DSW.
The thing is no one in the biz is gonna take Tony Kahn seriously.. he’s a mark playing with daddy’s money. What’s the top complaint workers had in wcw and tna.. “nobody knew who was in charge”.. who’s in charge in aew? Some will say Kahn, some will say Cody, some will say the bucks. Some will say TNT. Nobody wants to go work for some marks. People want Rusev to go to aew but he just said on Twitter he’s happy in WWE. But TSC is telling me he’s miserable lol. Nobody in the biz is drinking the aew koolaid, just neckbeards.

as for rusev, what do you expect him to say?
is he supposed to say "f*ck the WWE" while hes still signed and proceed to get buried??
besides, I don't see the grass being greener on the other side for rusev, unless he goes to japan or something.
I love how yall act like aew didnt throw a bag at jericho to wrestle once a week...get the strap first so he can do concerts on the weekend....and work njpw bag n his cruise
He didnt do this for the goodness of the wrestling business
and they wasted their money.
dude is stinking it up, and is in the way.
he's still money on the mic tho. i wouldn't mind seeing him with a secondary title and matches that are halfway shorter than these Nyquil marathons they got him doing.
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