Climate change will bring more hurricanes to New York, other midlatitude cities, study finds


I’m from Brooklyn a place where stars are born.
Jul 16, 2015
So any upcoming Summer from this point forward, could be the final one for NYC...:lupe:

Not in the short term. The scenario I am presenting is likely to happen when we reach 2 degrees Celsius which is sure to occur in the late 2020s or in the early 2030s. But the big event is what alot of scientist call Blue Ocean Event. This is when all the arctic ice is fully melted. Once that happens the reflection from the blue. ocean will heat. up. the planet more leading to more. crazier storms. This is forecast to happen in the mid 2030s. Once that happens all bets are off because the feedback loop of all the arctic ice melted will be. far reaching and catastrophic. People may call it doomsday or "fear mongering" but credible scientist who have studied this for decades say we are entering the worst case scenario of all the climate models forecasted. Its just people dont want to think bad things can happen. Especially those of us that live in rich countries. Alot of people are so overly optimistic that it creates a lack of urgency for real climate action.