And motherfukkers actually tried to say this wasn't about race.If people want that Kumbaya post-racial bullshyt I suggest going to Bluffington Post or Yahoo or any other fake white liberal circle jerks. That shyt doesn't fly here.
Like I said......I deal with common sense and history. White boys are the arm of white supremacy and their women are the helpers in it. They have nothing but a gestapo styled force set up here in Amerikkka, blueprinted off of what the Nazis did in the "ghettos" of europe to the "jews" and nikkas don't get the correlation, which is why I can't reason or debate right on here, and I have to put most of these zombie nikkas on ignore, because if you in 2014 after all the shyt you should've studied on our enemy and can't connect dots and reason during situations like these, that the police force and the slogan "Protect and Serve" is as much as a lie as "the earth is flat", and that the reason they term our communities in the same term with the word "Ghetto" is because they plan to treat you and I as they treated "jews" in europe, which is to round as many up as they can and kill them off, and you don't think that this is being manifested here in Amerikkka in these "ghettos" in 2014, with all these cac boys killing young and old black men and women and imprisoning us at astronomical rates, then you are a complete fool and I can't deal with nikkas like these......