How we define Arrogance?
Arrogance is a personality trait characterized by an excessive sense of one's own importance, abilities, or achievements, often coupled with a disregard for the opinions or feelings of others. It involves an inflated sense of self-worth and can lead to behaviors or attitudes that come across as condescending or dismissive of others. Arrogant individuals tend to believe they are superior to others and may show little interest in understanding differing perspectives. This trait can have negative effects on personal relationships, teamwork, and effective communication.
Shouldn't people tap in their own potential? Believe they can be far greater than their competition? Have the idea that we are the best of what we can offer and provide?
As men, we compete over other men 1.) attractive women 2.) social status 3.) physical strength 4.) skill 5.) jobs
As for women, women compete over women 1.) fashion 2.) dating 3.) children 4.) resources
Like it or not, human nature is very competitive at it's core. Striving for the best is the ultimate goal for our species. Why be mediocre when you get reap the benefits of what life has to offer.
Only the strongest and toughest survive. Downplaying yourself lets others dominate you. Dominating your life is how you move forward.