Spin cityThis needs to be a show like The Office or Parks & Rec or Abbott

Spin cityThis needs to be a show like The Office or Parks & Rec or Abbott
@ 2:54 lmaoooo
If I’m members of her team, I’m resigning and preparing to snitch before I end up catching a charge along with her.
Serious fed time. AbsolutelyShe might get jail time?...
The residents tried, but couldn't. It's to the point where they have to hold off until she's up for re-election which is I believe sometime next year and that's if she makes it to re-election.This woman is dangerous and is probably crazy enough to get someone knocked off.
She needs to be removed now.
And that’d be the dumbest thing she could do considering that people that can actually get her out of the paint are now starting to pay attention to her actionsThe residents tried, but couldn't. It's to the point where they have to hold off until she's up for re-election which is I believe sometime next year and that's if she makes it to re-election.
I said this before, but watch her start intimidating people to vote for her
Our Kweenz! Black wimmenz can do no wrong