You bringing up Hispanic women to deflect from black women being ashamed of their natural hair has no correlation to me pointing out the black community bolsters the highest OOW birth rate.
One is in the interest of drawing attention to an issue. The other is in interest of deflecting from an issue.
But unless you're an idiot, you know that.
Stop quoting me looking for "get back" because I slapped you silly in a thread two weeks ago.
stop, you brought up other communities to shame black women (which you do constantly)
bringing up other races to compare against the birthrate of OOW children with black women makes no sense , because other races don't have black womens' problems and aren't living the black experience

I'm quoting you just like I quote anyone else saying some divisive shyt about women, get over yourself

you didn't "slap me silly", you brought up some tried prepackaged response that had nothing to do with what I was talking about because I mentioned hispanic women