I don't get their "self sufficient" argument.your off on a tangent
ar you ok with these white supremacist teaching distorted history or nah? if are own kids are behind why do you want them to learn history suited to make white children feel better from white supremacist?
Most black kids are in public schools...meaning they can't afford to just pop up and go to private school...and this guy Rufo is on the damn Florida school board and a personal friend of DeSantis.
What do people think will be the outcome for black students?
OK...so black people withdraw to their own schools...is that helping to NOT teach everyone else that black inferiority isn't real or self imposed? Is that helping when black students go to apply to college? Is that helping when black college grads go to apply for jobs and have to compete with non-black employers who have been taught that black people have low IQs or went to low quality schools...which were defended by Rufo?

Christopher Rufo and the End of Public Education
The slightly-cranky voice navigating the world of educational "reform" while trying to still pursue the mission of providing quality education.
Rufo represents an extreme version of ideas that have long been around, like the idea that public education is just a scam so that the teachers union can get teachers jobs thereby resulting in dues that fill the coffers of the unions which are just fronts for the Democratic party. Or the idea that if government went away (and stopped making me pay taxes to support Those People) then we would all live in a happy paradise of freedom. Or that a bunch of stuff (under the umbrella of anything from evolution to segregation to CRT) is being taught to undermine my view of the world and make my kids think stuff I disagree with.
Like his buddy DeSantis, Rufo is not so much about conservatism as he is about authoritarianism, about christianist-fueled control or replacement of all institutions (and do notice--Rufo does not distinguish between public institutions and private corporations--he wants to run them all). This is aggressive, smart authoritarianism that only really has one question to ask before it either lifts you up or smashed you-- are you on their side? Trumpsim was just some throat-clearing for these folks; soon I'm afraid they'll be in full voice.
This is NOT something you want to play around with. RUFO is a MAJOR threat.
If DeSantis is Hitler, Rufo is Goebbels
@Red Shield @Michael's Black Son @Sukairain @YouMadd? @SupremexKing @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black @panopticon @johnedwarduado @neotheflyingone @Ishlibidish23 @SJUGRAD13 @BlueHeffner
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