Christians, Jews, Muslims, Catholics, and the NOI all believe in the same God.


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
How many times you going to get that "dumb negroe" shyt off:what:? Sound like a white supremacist at this point,might as well use the n word it sounds like your working your way up to:martin:
whether hes white or not you can tell what kind of energy he feeds on :hubie:

I think peoples inability to reconcile their minds with reality is why folks dont agree on God. If one man imagines this, then it is so for him. But if another man imagines this, then it is also so for him

but if what they both imagine isnt the same then clearly its not God but on them. God is the god of the living, that which can be utterly perceived from both horizons :mjpls:

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
I typically don't say this but this @Ish Geber is giving off 'not black's vibes. :ld:
I don't typically say this, but you @Dorian Gray, just like @MMS gives off as dumb negroe babble and especially anti-Black intellectual vibes. For types such as yourself (high school dropouts), Black intellectualism is something unusual and something that should be shamed, instead of embraced!

You just want to be praised over your stupidity, that's all. Tell me, how low is your pants saggin'?: 12 Steps (with Pictures).


“Haplogroup L2a1 was found in two specimens from the Southern Levant Pre-Pottery Neolithic B site at Tell Halula, Syria, dating from the period between ca. 9600 and ca. 8000 BP or 7500-6000 BCE”
(Fernández, E. et al., MtDNA analysis of ancient samples from Castellón (Spain): Diachronic variation and genetic relationships, International Congress Series, vol. 1288 (April 2006), pp. 127-129.)

Culture: Pre-pottery Neolithic B
Country: Syria
Site and/or Individual: Tell Halula [H37]
Date (usually approx.): 6800-6000 BC
mtDNA: L2a1 (16223T 16261T 16278T 16294T 16309G)

Culture: Pre-pottery Neolithic B
Country: Syria
Site and/or Individual: Tell Halula [H43]
Date (usually approx.): 6800-6000 BC
mtDNA: L2a1 (16261T 16278T 16294T 16309G)
(E.Fernández teal., Mitochondrial DNA genetic relationships at the ancient Neolithic site of Tell Halula)
Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series 1 (2008) 271–273)

Somewhere in North Africa, EgYpt or the Levant, a baby girl is born with yet another mtDNA mutation…starting the haplogroup line known as L2a1.

Some of her tribes people intermarry with the newly forming Hebrew tribes in the Levant and become Hebrews/Jews.
(Billy Gambela, Afroasiatic anthropology, The Saga of Sepharda ሰፕሃርዳ .. by Debra Katz).

Haplogroup L2a (mtDNA) has notable frequencies of 22% among the Hebrew Affiliated Fulani of Nile Valley to Niger to The Gambia. They are at least 70,000-111,100 B.P. The Oldest in Egypt!! L2a1 also has (49%) MtDna collectively in, Sudan, Nile- Valley/Nubia, Ethiopia, and Egypt (from the White Nile to the Blue Nile)... (the Nile Valley Civilizations)...
(Billy Gambela, Afroasiatic anthropology, Egypt mtDNA and the Nile Valley ኒለ ቫልለይ Dna DiversitY... The Maternal Hamito-Semitic... mtDna Haplogroup L)

Someone did a complete breakdown of Haplogroup L2 (mtDNA)

Possible time of origin 80,000-111,100 YBP
Descendants L2a─d, L2e
Updated on Jun 04, 2018
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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
How many times you going to get that "dumb negroe" shyt off:what:? Sound like a white supremacist at this point,might as well use the n word it sounds like your working your way up to:martin:

It's the most uneducated negroes who use the n-word derive, all the time.

Ok, now you answer the question! Where was Gog and Magog located and what ethnic groups lived there? From where!

And with that being said, what ethnic groups populated Canaan?

What does the original writings say?

What is the Hebrew word for satanic and what does it mean in Hebrew!?
What is the classic Greek word for satanic and what does it mean classical Greek!?
What is the classical Latin word for satanic and what does it mean classical Latin!?


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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
וּבְנֵ֖י חָ֑ם כּ֥וּשׁ וּמִצְרַ֖יִם וּפ֥וּט וּכְנָֽעַן׃

ר' תחנא אומ' אף ישראל נקראו כושים, שנ' הלא כבני כושיים אתם לי, וכי כושים היו, אלא מה כושי זה גופו משונה מכל הבריות כך הם ישראל משונים בדרכיהם ובמעשיהם הטובים מכל אומות העולם, לפיכך נקראו כושים. וכתוב אחר אומ' ויאמר עבד המלך הכושי. וכי עבד כושי היה והלא ברוך בן נריה היה, אלא מה כושי זה גופו משונה מן הבריות כך ברוך בן נריה משונה בדרכיו ובמעשיו הטובים, לפיכך נקרא כושי.​

whether hes white or not you can tell what kind of energy he feeds on :hubie:

I think peoples inability to reconcile their minds with reality is why folks dont agree on God. If one man imagines this, then it is so for him. But if another man imagines this, then it is also so for him

but if what they both imagine isnt the same then clearly its not God but on them. God is the god of the living, that which can be utterly perceived from both horizons :mjpls:
Goofball, answer the questions since you claim to be the expert here.

What is the Hebrew word for satanic and what does it mean in Hebrew!?
What is the classic Greek word for satanic and what does it mean classical Greek!?
What is the classical Latin word for satanic and what does it mean classical Latin!?



What does the word above mean? And how many other instances do we see as a different descriptor beside אֲדֹון אֲדֹנָי אֱלֹהִים?

“Wikipedia scholar" answer the question! Where was Gog and Magog located and what ethnic groups lived there? From where did these ethnic groups come?!

And with that being said, what ethnic groups populated Canaan?


Sound of Afroasiatic languages.
Afroasiatic is a language spoken by Middle eastern, North African, West African and Horn African peoples.
It is divided in branches:
*Chadic languages
*Berber languages
*Cushytic languages
*Omotic languages
*Semitic languages
*Egyptian languages (extinct)

The great religions (Judaism, Islam and Christianism) are all from Afroasiatic peoples.
Aramaic was spoken by "Jesus Christ", the founder of Christianity.
Hebrew is the language of Judaism.
Arabic is still used by muslims around the world as liturgical language.

(Aren Wilson-Wright, The Word for ‘One’ in Proto-Semitic 1
Journal of Semitic Studies, Volume 59, Issue 1, Spring 2014, Pages 1–13,)

(John Huehnergard, The Semitic Languages)

(Roger Blench, The Afro-Asiatic Languages)

(Paul Newman, The Chadic Language Family: Classification and Name Index,spoken in Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, and Niger.)

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Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Eh, don't know what's going on in here but im dapping @Ish Geber's posts bc he's right: Christians (and a lot of your religious leaders) are often shockingly uninformed on the cultural cauldron that led to christianity. I don't even engage in these conversations anymore bc, much like itt, people will legit fight you defending their ignorance of their own religion. Its shameful, tbh. Jews and Muslims be knowing that in and out.

Anyway, if any Christians are still reading, i mean no disrespect. The last few pages got me aggy. :skip: I only care bc the majority of my ppl, ADOS, are (nominally?) Christian. If you're interested in learning more precisely the word of your God, the Anchor Bible series is helpful in this regard. I read classical Greek, but not Hebrew or aramaic, so it helped me.

For each biblical book, the series includes an original translation (with annotations, including alternative translations) of ancient texts, using modern knowledge of the ancient languages; overviews of the historical, critical, and literary evolution of the text; an outline of major themes and topics; a verse-by-verse commentary; treatment of competing scholarly theories; historical background; and photographs, illustrations, and maps of artifacts and places associated with biblical figures and sites. Lengthy or complex biblical books are covered in more than one volume.

Anchor Bible Series - Wikipedia

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Eh, don't know what's going on in here but im dapping @Ish Geber's posts bc he's right: Christians (and a lot of your religious leaders) are often shockingly uninformed on the cultural cauldron that led to christianity. I don't even engage in these conversations anymore bc, much like itt, people will legit fight you defending their ignorance of their own religion. Its shameful, tbh. Jews and Muslims be knowing that in and out.

Anyway, if any Christians are still reading, i mean no disrespect. The last few pages got me aggy. :skip: I only care bc the majority of my ppl, ADOS, are (nominally?) Christian. If you're interested in learning more precisely the word of your God, the Anchor Bible series is helpful in this regard. I read classical Greek, but not Hebrew or aramaic, so it helped me.

For each biblical book, the series includes an original translation (with annotations, including alternative translations) of ancient texts, using modern knowledge of the ancient languages; overviews of the historical, critical, and literary evolution of the text; an outline of major themes and topics; a verse-by-verse commentary; treatment of competing scholarly theories; historical background; and photographs, illustrations, and maps of artifacts and places associated with biblical figures and sites. Lengthy or complex biblical books are covered in more than one volume.

Anchor Bible Series - Wikipedia

Them folks are insane, and accuse me falsely for dropping knowledge bombs.

[Rodney Cee + KK Rockwell + both]

Here’s a little story that must be told
About two cool brothers that were put on hold

They tried to hold us back from fortune and fame
They destroyed the crew and they killed our name
They tried to step on our ego and walk on our pride
But true blue
brothers stand side by side
Through thick and thin, from beginning to end
This battle we lost, but the war we’ll win
’Cause Double Trouble is in the house

I’m KK Rockwell, and Rodney Cee, we’ll turn it out
Well, I’m KK Rockwell ‘cause I raise a lot of hell
I love to make love to the jolly females
I’m down with the crew from off the hill

And I’m Little Rodney Cee and I aim to please
I want my name to go down in history
I wanna be greater than George Washington
‘Cause I could rock any party from sun to sun
And together, forever, we’re in number one
Double Trouble is in the house
Don’t you know Double Trouble gonna turn it out, y’all

Double Trouble, Double Trouble
Double Double Trouble Trouble
Double Trouble, Double Trouble
Double Double Trouble Trouble
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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
:francis: Blame Guttenberg and Martin Luther. They don't know what they don't know.
The weird thing is that the Septuagint is (was) written in classical Greek, but they will ignore the historical perspective of language and how language was used in socially during that time. It makes no sense. Logically the words used in the Septuagint are older than the Septuagint itself. So etymologiaclly we deal with different interpretations that came from older stories. @Cynic (Cynical) just negged my post 41513830. I bet he didn't event understand 10% of what was said.
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Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
:francis: Blame Guttenberg and Martin Luther. They don't know what they don't know.
This person hasn’t dropped anything at all other than lunacy

scriptures transcend language in a way that can’t be explained in one post

by the same notion of “appeals to authority”

none of y’all were there for those “translations” therefore the possibility of writing in information to fit a personal cultural narrative (depending on the edition) should be a foremost thought

Africans were NOT hebrews

please Google the Aamu and Retjenu

the timelines for when scriptures were written is very important

The Septuagint is Greek because the time when these scriptures were compiled were during the Ptolemaic era. The rabbincal masoretic texts came well after this point. The "jews" post first temple period are not even the same jews after the "second temple". Technically the Quran is older than the masoretic texts. Their perspective on the bible is that there is no God. I cannot stress this enough

Only a wicked deity (people) desires "sacrifice", resist the need to associate with terms like hebrew and israel. I strongly encourage further reading because much happened after the Romans scattered those wicked people. And the romans were terrible themselves. It is well known that mongols and turks converted the Judaism in the 10 century. Please study this before you become snared in their ancient hatred of blacks.
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Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
This person hasn’t dropped anything at all other than lunacy

scriptures transcend language in a way that can’t be explained in one post

by the same notion of “appeals to authority”

none of y’all were there for those “translations” therefore the possibility of writing in information to fit a personal cultural narrative (depending on the edition) should be a foremost thought

Africans were NOT hebrews

please Google the Aamu and Retjenu

the timelines for when scriptures were written is very important

The Septuagint is Greek because the time when these scriptures were compiled were during the Ptolemaic era. The rabbincal masoretic texts came well after this point. The "jews" post first temple period are not even the same jews after the "second temple". Technically the Quran is older than the masoretic texts. Their perspective on the bible is that there is no God. I cannot stress this enough

Only a wicked deity (people) desires "sacrifice", resist the need to associate with terms like hebrew and israel. I strongly encourage further reading because much happened after the Romans scattered those wicked people. And the romans were terrible themselves. It is well known that mongols and turks converted the Judaism in the 10 century. Please study this before you become snared in their ancient hatred of blacks.

Since it was lunacy according to you, Goofball, answer the questions since you claim to be the expert here.

What is the timeline of the Ptolemaic dynasty?

What is the Hebrew word for satanic and what does it mean in Hebrew!?
What is the classic Greek word for satanic and what does it mean classical Greek!?
What is the classical Latin word for satanic and what does it mean classical Latin!?



What does the word above mean? And how many other instances do we see as a different descriptor beside אֲדֹון אֲדֹנָי אֱלֹהִים?

“Wikipedia scholar" answer the question! Where was Gog and Magog located and what ethnic groups lived there? From where did these ethnic groups come?!

And with that being said, what ethnic groups populated Canaan?
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Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
This person hasn’t dropped anything at all other than lunacy

scriptures transcend language in a way that can’t be explained in one post

by the same notion of “appeals to authority”

none of y’all were there for those “translations” therefore the possibility of writing in information to fit a personal cultural narrative (depending on the edition) should be a foremost thought
:yeshrug: Its not an appeal to authority; it's an appeal to literacy.

Ancient ppl, like us today, enjoyed word play. They used a lot of homonyms, heteronyms, etc (which is why @Ish Geber keeps posting the same infographic over and over, yet no one is curious).

So you, modern english speaker, lose much of the meaning of the bible you quote. You only get the one english word, leading you (and most christians who use a modern bible) to only one possible of set of meaning. Meanwhile, a jew reading in hebrew gets multi layered meanings, as was originally intended.

Do you understand? Im not tryna be mean, just informative. If you're gonna call yourself "people of the Book," you should probably... um, know "the Book." :ld:

Africans were NOT hebrews

please Google the Aamu and Retjenu
:skip:I was trained as a historian, I do this for fun. Ofc Im familiar with the terms, what was your point?