If a day is described as one full rotation of Earth on it's axis (24 hours), then what does having a sun really have to do with that definition? I'm sure God would not need the sun to know when the Earth has fully rotated, correct?
In any case it's a stupid question because, we're talking about God here, any description of what a day is would be any he would like it to be.
if you're going to play games, then how many days passed between jesus' Resurrection and death? how many days was noah in the ark? How may days was jonah in the whale? How many days did moses wonder the desert?
In the eyes of God, a day wasn't determined by the sun. It was determined by the division of light and dark on the earth. "And God called the light Day and the darkness NIght. And the evening and morning were the first day." Genesis 1:5
which makes no sense because the light on earth comes from its neartest star.
Don't make me take you to astronomy 101.
A day is determined by the axis of the earth spinning, not the sun. The sun is always shining on the earth
he only thing the sun would determine when it comes to time are years, in which a full revolution around the sun = a year.
holy fukk did you seriously write this?
Then how the fukk would you discern a day, dumbass?
Why would an omnipotent being need to rest on the 7th day?
Why take ANY amount of time to do anything in the first place?
Thats what I don't get.
Why does it take god "time" to do anything?[DOUBLEPOST=1397505261][/DOUBLEPOST]
The units of measurement god uses are different than our units of measurement. A day to god can be thousands / millions of years.
So a million years passed between jesus' death and resurrection?