LINK: https://x.com/quamefly/status/1763464932887032218?s=46&t=pzBI2rXS9fTKUptse1LXuQ
The day after imposing anti-LGBT laws to imprison their fellow Ghanaians, there’s Explicit sex on national TV.
The hypocrisy SMH
nikkas will laugh and make jokes not seeing the bigger picture.
But to the Black race, especially descendants of Africans who were enslaved because of the refusal to see their humanity, this shouldn’t be funny at all.
Centuries after the Trans-Atlantic Slavetrade, Ghanaians are now making it legal to imprison fellow Ghanaians. For being adults having consensual sex.
(Which is nobody’s business in the first place)
It’s a repetition that’s similar to European colonizers’ behavior during slavery, that got us enslaved in the first place
Colonizers who took our African Ancestors and:
1. Stripped them of the humanity of agency over their own bodies. (what the core goal and repercussion of this bill is)
2. policed them (to maintain control)
3. treated them as property, opposed to humans.
When the Europeans introduced Christianity to Central and West Africa, they made Africans see eachother as less human to capture and sell into the Trans-Atlantic Slave-trade.
A example is Elmina Castle, in Ghana.
It was the built Built in 1482, by Portuguese traders.
Elmina Castle was the first European slave-trading post in all of sub-saharan Africa.
At Elmina Castle, our African Ancestors were held in dungeons, UNDER the Church before being sent to the Americas.
While there were luxury suites for the Europeans in the upper levels.
Fast forward to now, Ghana is spending $400M it doesn’t have..
to build a damn Cathedral, instead of improving its necessities SMH
$400M on a cathedral for an imposed colonial religion.
While risking hundreds of millions of aid for stripping fellow Ghanaians of their human rights to have consensual sex as adults.
All while currently in Ghana there’s
• a struggle with its currency
• a deepening economic for the average Ghanaian
• malnutrition
• a lack of access to clean water and sanitation services
• its natural resources deals are horrendous
• infrastructure needs to be built.
During THIS crisis, Ghana chooses to focus on LGBT while its government is failing its ppl.
It’s pure mental illness how easy and bloodthirsty we as a ppl find reasons to justify killing, harming and oppressing eachother with the history of Slavery we share.
What does Ghanaians/Africans imprisoning fellow LGBT Ghanaians/Africans for existing do, besides empower White Supremacy?
This is just one of many examples that makes me think:
“How can we STILL be so desensitized to eachothers dehumanization and focused on the WRONG things?”
It’s a shame that we refuse to see the humanity in eachother, with the history of Slavery reminding us DAILY how important it is in a world that’s designed to see and treat us as lesser human beings.