don't none of that mean shyt...y'all really buy into these fool ass half baked generalities..."see, the key to a good marriage is to marry a slightly above mediocre looking woman, she's gonna be the automatic better mother and wife"....there's absolutely nothing inherent about an average looking chick like CP3's wife that would prevent her from all of a sudden years down the line deciding to stop turning a blind eye to him fukking the occasional dime chick that blows her out of the water on the side...filing for divorce...using all those years of bagel bite cooking and decent mothering in court documents and walking away with half of CP3's fortune...all while Grant Hill and fine ass dimed out Tamia are approaching on 20 years of marital bliss on some Bill and Claire Huxtable shyt...there's no iron-clad correlation between attractiveness and character (that's sounds like some jaded "fine hoes ain't shyt anyway" bitter coping mechanism)...average chicks like her and Artest's (now ex) wife got wifed because they had the privilege of locking down players before the fame and money...and thus before having to compete with the endless hordes of perfect 10s vying for the athlete's affections...no doubt many of them of just as good, or better, character and exponentially badder than them...that players like Artest, Bron, CP3, etc. stuck with their old school pre-fame sweethearts speak more towards their character and loyalty than the brides' IMO...but in no way does it prevent them from taking that MJ/Tiger L when the marriage eventually falls apart and it's time to break bread
DMX stayed with his ugly ass wife for years after he blew...didn't stop her from helping blow the money and then divorce his ass when he was broke...not anymore than Evelyn shaking Toine after he went broke