Insanely ambitious...intermittently brilliant...pretty entertaining...
The score was obnoxiously overbearing. The sound mix was fukking awful. Many scenes were rendered completely unintelligible by the noise. In some scenes I could buy it being intentional...but in others entire bits of conversation were essentially lost. Even the final bits of voiceover were nearly drowned out by the score.
I saw it in 70mm IMAX, so that may be exclusive to those prints...or even my theater possibly. But overall it was an assaultive audial experience.
And all the talk of fifth dimensional gravity ghosts left me pretty
Michael Caine was miscast. He's great...but he's already 81 years old. Don't make me believe he survives a 23 year time lapse in a world with no food lol
Probably a 7/10 overall....but I have to drop it to six because of the abysmal sound mixing. And the IMAX screening spends too much time cutting away from the gorgeous fullscreen shots and back to the normal aspect ratio of the internal shots. Too bad.