The book basically breaks into two separate sections.
First, the Painmaker defends an outpost of some sort against a werewolf, which he impales on the spikes on his leather jacket and calls a “wannabe.”
Next, the story jumps to a post-apocalyptic city, where we see a single panel showing a theater marquee advertising a Fozzy concert, presumably the very last band to perform on this barren wasteland and then a building or warehouse of some sort decorated with colorful bunny and rainbow flags and inside is a large, barbarian looking character sitting upon a unicorn throne.
A car full of green goblins or demons crashes the car into the building, where the barbarian attempts to fight them off but the goblins are victorious and the barbarian lies in a pool of his own blood, presumably dead.
After this, we see the Painmaker again, standing atop a mountain.
The end.