You do know you can legally stream the entire album for free on Spotify & Chris Brown's official VEVO YouTube channel right?
I HATE streaming. I like to own my albums
You do know you can legally stream the entire album for free on Spotify & Chris Brown's official VEVO YouTube channel right?
How do you own something you weren't given and you don't intend to buy?I HATE streaming. I like to own my albums
How do you own something you weren't given and you don't intend to buy?
I see where you went wrongI intend to buy Chris Brown's album, I'm a huge fan
If you want to play the semantics game on what is "ownership", then go ahead play that game
I see where you went wrong
You did go against normal posting conventions.You went wrong assuming I wasn't going to buy it. It's ok though
T-Pain reveals why Chris Brown's "Heartbreak on a Full Moon" is his favorite album of 2017, and shares his plans for 2018.
all those plaques are bogus now with all the bullshyt streaming numbers