hollywood didn't forget his fanbase chose to ignore it because they're co-dependent and stupid.
or maybe they knew it was necessary
any dude who thinks it's necessary to hit on someone weaker and not a physical threat to you is just a straight-up wimp. He tries to act all tough cause he knows he's weak so he puts on a front and beats up on non-threats like Rhianna. CB logic: "Im so insecure about my masculinity that i'll beat up a weak girl like Rhianna"
Put that dude in a cage with people who know how to handle themselves and watch him beg for mercy.
any dude who thinks it's necessary to hit on someone weaker and not a physical threat to you is just a straight-up wimp. He tries to act all tough cause he knows he's weak so he puts on a front and beats up on non-threats like Rhianna. CB logic: "Im so insecure about my masculinity that i'll beat up a weak girl like Rhianna"
Put that dude in a cage with people who know how to handle themselves and watch him beg for mercy.
any dude who thinks it's necessary to hit on someone weaker and not a physical threat to you is just a straight-up wimp. He tries to act all tough cause he knows he's weak so he puts on a front and beats up on non-threats like Rhianna. CB logic: "Im so insecure about my masculinity that i'll beat up a weak girl like Rhianna"
Put that dude in a cage with people who know how to handle themselves and watch him beg for mercy.
They forgot. Just like they forgot about Sean Penn whooping Madonna and Charlie Sheen whooping his ex wives.
They ain't forget. The cacs made Breezy the face of domestic violence.
Lol and people really believing Charlie Sheen beat his ex wives. And its not a big deal with Sean Penn because Madonna is extremely hated and they know she probably enjoyed it anyway.
As for Chris, honestly not to sound like a hater but I can't just give him props for "winning" because it annoys me that loud mouths like this guy still gets love from dumb ass bytches.
But Like OPTiMO said he continues to win....
Nicole can go ahead and get her ass beat by him lol
Dude, I'm not defending Breezy or anything (in fact he seems like a douche) but honestly, real talk, the dude beat a girl when he was like 19 or something and it shouldn't have to define the rest of his life. Tell me some of you don't have some very regrettable moments behind you? Anybody? That was the past and he paid his debt. Just sayin.