chris b - what we know: he likes pawgs. he's from the DC/DMV area. he's into IT specifically cisco networking. he used to be known as jab343irk
IT History
you remember jab
343 irk
he changed skin tone back in those days
he posted this pic from his own photobucket account - natturner
heres an interesting pic from the natturner343 account
he likes to block eyes with white boxes. he does the same thing on his mrblackmamba
343 twitter(NSFW)
Spoiler: not nude but nsfw - cuckold sex act with old cac
he cross tweets frequently with the jjroagerwhite account
he also crossposted another username -mrblackstud343 which lead us to a penis message board where he rates and compares other men's dikks -
he talks about swinging on this penis forum.
he must have gotten into swinging because he posts about it on the coli and PMed us the link to a site in his sex party thread
"SDC" is the site he PMed
some interesting twitter comments
tweeting the coli
calling himself a bald whiteguy (which one is him in the cuckold pic
again calling himself a white man